What is the best lighting for assembling a jigsaw puzzle?

The best lighting for assembling a jigsaw puzzle is natural daylight or full-spectrum lighting. Natural daylight provides the most accurate and even illumination, allowing you to see the colors and details of the puzzle pieces more clearly. If natural daylight is not available or insufficient, using full-spectrum lighting is the next best option.

Full-spectrum lighting mimics natural daylight and provides a balanced spectrum of light that closely resembles sunlight. It helps reduce eye strain and fatigue, making it easier to distinguish between different colors and shapes of puzzle pieces. Avoid using harsh or dim lighting, as it can cause glare, shadows, and distortion of colors, making it harder to assemble the puzzle accurately.

Additionally, consider placing the puzzle on a light-colored surface to enhance visibility and contrast. Adjustable task lighting or a flexible desk lamp can be positioned overhead or to the side of the puzzle area to provide focused illumination without casting shadows. Experiment with different lighting angles and intensities to find the optimal setup for your puzzle-solving environment.

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