The wise owl is an iconic symbol of wisdom and knowledge. With its large, round eyes and serene demeanor, it captivates the imagination and invokes a sense of reverence. Renowned for their keen senses, these nocturnal creatures possess an extraordinary ability to observe and comprehend the world around them
Premium Wooden Gift Box
The size is about a book. It will be a beautiful gift for everyone, on any occasion
Unique and Whimsy Pieces
Each puzzle piece has its own unique shape. An exciting game is suitable for school children and adults
High-precision Laser Cut
Using laser-cutting technologies so pieces lock and fit tightly together
What You Get – 1 x unique shape wooden jigsaw puzzles for adults are crafted with premium quality , 1 x wooden gift box, 1 x Wooden support.
2 reviews for Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle-Wise Owl 2